Bouquet Flowers
How do you select the right bouquet flowers for your special wedding day? There are many wonderful florists that will help you to create a beautiful look with any flowers that you would like to use. But, before you talk to a florist, there are a few things you should think about. Sometimes, it is easy to fall in love with just whatever your florist shows you, without thinking about the types of flowers that you actually love. Therefore, as you think about the bouquet of fall wedding flowers you will hold, keep the following in mind.
Real Or Fake Florals for Your Wedding?
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The first decision you need to make is whether or not you will use real flowers or fake ones. Many select real flowers because of their traditional beauty and undeniable quality. But, they are expensive, especially if you are looking for a type that is rather hard to find. More so, real flowers can be incredibly difficult to find at some times of the year. On the other hand, fake flowers are widely available and much less expensive. They can also be ready made into your bridal bouquet months before you will use them. |
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Flower Preferences for Your Bouquet
Next, consider the preferences you have for the flowers. Do you love a specific flower? Lilies, daisies and even roses are commonly found in the flowers for this very special day. The bouquet is often made up of several flowers that mesh well together. Another option is to choose a number of different flowers all in different hues of your favorite color. This may match the bridesmaid's dresses or be a color that you select just because you love it. White is a common color to use, but you do not have to go with just this option. If you need fall flowers for your bouquet, you will want rich earthtones such as tan, orange, deep reds and browns.
Bouquet flowers should be planned for as soon as possible in the wedding planning, especially if you plan to create them yourself. You can get your bridal party together to help you to decide on the colors and style but this is often one decision that is left up the bride, and sometimes the groom. You should love your bouquet!